Safety and Security

Social transfer programs in general, and humanitarian ones in particular, work in difficult security, geographical and financial conditions as well. Therefore, the Bank provides the maximum possible protection at all levels and stages when implementing social transfer projects, through security and protection systems that preserve the rights and safety of workers, beneficiaries and financiers alike. The elements and components of this system are summarized in the following:

Accompanying security team

The bank provides a security team from the security guard companies, for the purpose of accompanying and protecting the exchange teams, whether in the field exchange sites, branches or service centers, and they work to organize the beneficiaries’ groups and help in arranging and protecting them and solving security problems that may arise during the exchange process, and the security team is selected according to for the following:-
- Formation of the security team of both sexes.
- They have the experience and skill to deal with large groups of people.
- They are trained on the nature and objectives of the project, as well as the nature of the targets as they are part of the work team.
- They are subject to the evaluation of the team leaders on the level of their performance during the exchange process.

Beneficiary Protection

The Bank works to provide protection mechanisms for beneficiaries that are consistent with the standards of humanitarian work in cases of disasters and conflicts, such as those set by the Sphere project and others, as follows:

Safe exchange sites:

- Choosing nearby and safe exchange sites.
- Providing security guards of both sexes in all exchange sites.
- Separating queues of women from men at exchange sites, or allocating special exchange sites for women in cases of crowding.
- Providing a female cadre for the process of verifying the identity of the beneficiaries and providing places designated for this in response to the customs and traditions in Yemen.
- Preventing gatherings and passersby from approaching exchange places to prevent the risks of the beneficiaries being robbed or harassed and others.

Preventing fraud and extortion:

Various mechanisms to verify the identity of the beneficiary before delivering the cash assistance (identity cards - project cards - fingerprint, etc.).
The possibility of giving an appropriate time opportunity to beneficiaries who are not present to receive their aid through the bank’s branches after the end of the project’s disbursement period.
- Preventing any kind of fees or suspicious financial dealings with beneficiaries, and dealing with them firmly, if any.
- Emphasizing on the beneficiaries to count their money before leaving the fund, and helping the elderly or uneducated to count it.
– The exchange team wears a uniform with an identification card to limit the beneficiaries’ interaction with other people and extortion.

Taking into account special cases:-

- Giving priority to disbursement for the elderly and those carrying their children, women, the disabled, and those with special needs.
- Disbursement for special cases of the infirm, the disabled, or the sick in their homes or hospitals, through field exchange teams.

Data Security

The bank is keen to protect the data of the beneficiaries by providing a system that enables the partner to enter the beneficiaries’ data directly into the transfers system or send it to be entered by the bank employee. The bank also has an information security system of the highest international levels that depends on defining the powers to access the data in an independent system, Moreover, the Bank is committed to implementing the agreements related to data exchange and grants the full right to dispose of this data to the partners.

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